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  1. Being Right on the Internet
  2. Selected Xcode versions and their download size
  3. Incorporating SwiftUI Views in a UIKit Layout
  4. My Swift Extension Pattern
  5. Copy The Next 2FA Code
  6. You'd Be Surprised What People Don't Know
  7. Parenting Advice for New Programmers
  8. Detecting When Your App Gets Backgrounded using Combine
  9. iPad OS or, Names Are Important
  10. Passing a closure to a UIButton
  11. No, Apple Does Not Share Your FaceID Data
  12. The Apple Watch Platform
  13. Why Can't We Just Pay for Free Unlimited iCloud Storage?
  14. Audio Degapinator - The Poor Dev’s Smart Speed
  15. Simulating Universal Gravitation with SpriteKit
  16. Detecting Which Complication Launched Your WatchKit App
  17. Should Apple Deprecate UILongPressGestureRecognizer?
  18. Cheating on Swift Substrings
  19. Death By Date Format String
  20. Optional Optionals
  21. Basic ORM on top of FMDB and SQLite with Objective-C
  22. Uploading Xcode Bot Builds to Testflight, with launchd
  23. Dynamic Image Lighting with CoreImage
  24. Higher Performance UIImageView Animation
  25. Creating a Rope with UIDynamics
  26. Storyboards, Multiple Developers and Git.
  27. Drawing Physics with SpriteKit
  28. Fun with UIBezierPath and CAShapeLayer